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Training Case Studies

Creating in-house Coaches

The problem:

I was working with a large housing association where the Board, led by the Head of OD, wished to develop a coaching culture. Their focus was to develop the leadership style of the senior team and to be able to provide professional in-house coaching as an offering to members of staff throughout the business.


The result:

I designed and delivered an ILM level 5 accredited coaching and mentoring skills programme. Over a period of three years, I trained three cohorts of the senior management team (30 people) including three directors and the Chief Executive. Everyone completed the programme and it provided the company with a large resource of in-house coaches. Participants claimed that their new skills had significantly changed their leadership behaviours and the post-training evaluation ratings were consistently 5/5. We set up a peer-to-peer supervision group for the coaches and I continue to run periodic skills updates for them. 

Restoring Resilience


The problem:

A housing association had recently introduced a significant amount of organisational and systems change. It realised that this had been tough on the workforce and wanted to introduce a programme to assist people who were feeling stressed or anxious.


The result:

The programme consisted of six 1.5 to 2-hour sessions over a six-week period. Thirty people signed up with a 97% completion rate. At the end, participants rated the programme at 3.8 out of 4 for its effectiveness. The DASS21 questionnaire (a clinical self-assessment tool used to assess depression, anxiety and stress) was completed pre and post programme and resulted in a mean improvement in scores of 37%. Over a third improved their scores by 50% or more and the range of improvement was from 5% to 87%. The company plans to run another programme later this year.

Influencing with Impact


The problem:
A food manufacturing company wanted to improve the skills of its site-based technical managers to increase their ability to improve the quality of their product and to reduce their reliance on head office technical staff.

The result
We designed an influencing skills programme to be run alongside the technical training. The programme received a rating of over 9 out of 10 from participants and was repeated the following year for new managers. It also won a National Training Award.

Perfecting Performance


The problem:
A manufacturing company wanted to roll out a new appraisal process for its non-salaried workforce based on a variety of UK sites. There was a high degree of cynicism amongst team leaders about the usefulness of the process.

The result:
We designed and delivered a two day training programme for 95 team leaders and received an average rating of 9.6 out of 10 for the course and 9.7 for the trainers. When the new process was evaluated after the first year, it received an overwhelming thumbs up from the now, not quite so cynical, team leaders.

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