Coaching Feedback
‘I would have no hesitation in recommending Karen to deliver coaching, indeed it’s a pity we can’t second her full time. Her input has enabled the whole of the finance department to develop both as a department and as individuals’
- Finance Director, NHS
‘A journey of self-discovery is the only way I can describe working with Karen. I now understand more about the person I am: my personality, my approach to my work, my strengths and weaknesses and how what I do within the team impacts on others working around me. The coaching has been thought inspiring and motivational. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with Karen, and I hope to continue to work with her in the future’
- Senior Management Accountant, Atkins
‘The coaching has been completely effective in encouraging me to explore issues which I have had great difficulty understanding... It has helped me to decide the right direction. I firmly believe that Karen has helped me to get to this position’
- Senior Manager, Warburtons