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Coaching Case Studies

Top Team

The problem:
A group of senior managers had been together for a while but felt that they weren’t working effectively as a team and that as a result, the business was suffering.

The result:
We ran an initial workshop to look at some of the basic requirements of a High Performing Team: goals, roles, process and relationships. The team scored their effectiveness in these areas and identified actions to improve. They found that they had been too task focused and were ignoring some of the important team process issues. We agreed a HPT plan and a series of measures to help them to progress. Three months later the team was scoring higher in all areas and has continued to use the process to monitor their own improvement.

Career Recovery

The problem:
A director felt that his career was ‘stuck’. The challenge had gone and he was bored. He felt his contemporaries were leaving him behind. However he’d been with his organisation for a long time and was nervous about moving on.

The result
After six sessions, he had a clear goal and a SMART plan of action to get him there. Six months later he also had a job offer - which he took. He calculated the ROI for the coaching to be 2.2 (anything over 1 being value for money).

House Coaching - Influencing with Impact

The problem
We coached a manager who was moving into senior management and felt that she needed to improve her influencing skills.

The result
We used Myers Briggs and Transactional Analysis to help the manager to understand her current behaviour and to re-shape her future actions. At the start of the coaching, her influencing skill were rated as 6 out of 10 by her manager. After just three coaching sessions it had risen to 8.

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